> [...]
> > >       If you're using ip tables, you can re-route the request to a
> different
> > >       TCP port and configure a vhost that serves the chosen document
> for any
> > >       request to any path.
> [...]
> > Yes this is probably the most efficient. I am surprised this seems to
> work for http and https traffic.
> Do you mean to the same port for http and https? Or are you surprised
> that it works for https at all?

yes I am doing in prerouting a destination to 81, having there a virtualhost 
without ssl and both 80 and 443 seem to go ok. Not tested this thouroughly 

> The latter shouldn't be a surprise - the clients will not be able to
> know about the port remapping, and
> as long as you supply a valid certificate, they will be happy.

Yes, that is what is strange a tls site is intercepted ok and directed to this 
block catch all without ssl. I even tested this with other browsers.

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