On Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 4:32 AM Adam Mihai Gergely <ad...@infosky.ro.invalid>

> Hello,
> I have a rather wierd question about Apache Directives Configuration.
> I am running Ubuntu Linux Server and my Apache Tree looks like this:
> server [/etc/apache2] # tree
> .
> ├── apache2.conf
> ├── apache2.conf.dpkg-old
> ├── apache2.conf.in
> ├── conf-available
> │   ├── charset.conf
> │   ├── javascript-common.conf
> │   ├── localized-error-pages.conf
> │   ├── other-vhosts-access-log.conf
> │   ├── phpmyadmin.conf -> ../../phpmyadmin/apache.conf
> │   ├── security.conf
> │   └── serve-cgi-bin.conf
> ├── conf-enabled
> │   ├── charset.conf -> ../conf-available/charset.conf
> │   ├── client-dirs.conf
> │   ├── javascript-common.conf -> ../conf-available/javascript-common.conf
> │   ├── localized-error-pages.conf ->
> ../conf-available/localized-error-pages.conf
> │   ├── other-vhosts-access-log.conf ->
> ../conf-available/other-vhosts-access-log.conf
> │   ├── phpmyadmin.conf -> ../conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf
> │   ├── security.conf -> ../conf-available/security.conf
> │   └── serve-cgi-bin.conf -> ../conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf
> ├── conf-local
> │   ├── htdirs.conf
> │   ├── htpasswd
> │   ├── htpasswd4laszlo
> │   └── htpasswd4project
> ├── envvars
> ├── magic
> ├── mods-available
> │   ├── access_compat.load
> │   ├── actions.conf
> │   ├── actions.load
> │   ├── alias.conf
> │   ├── alias.load
> │   ├── allowmethods.load
> │   ├── asis.load
> │   ├── auth_basic.load
> │   ├── auth_digest.load
> │   ├── auth_form.load
> │   ├── authn_anon.load
> │   ├── authn_core.load
> │   ├── authn_dbd.load
> │   ├── authn_dbm.load
> │   ├── authn_file.load
> │   ├── authn_socache.load
> │   ├── authnz_fcgi.load
> │   ├── authnz_ldap.load
> │   ├── authz_core.load
> │   ├── authz_dbd.load
> │   ├── authz_dbm.load
> │   ├── authz_groupfile.load
> │   ├── authz_host.load
> │   ├── authz_owner.load
> │   ├── authz_user.load
> │   ├── autoindex.conf
> │   ├── autoindex.load
> │   ├── buffer.load
> │   ├── cache_disk.conf
> │   ├── cache_disk.load
> │   ├── cache.load
> │   ├── cache_socache.load
> │   ├── cgid.conf
> │   ├── cgid.load
> │   ├── cgi.load
> │   ├── charset_lite.load
> │   ├── data.load
> │   ├── dav_fs.conf
> │   ├── dav_fs.load
> │   ├── dav.load
> │   ├── dav_lock.load
> │   ├── dbd.load
> │   ├── deflate.conf
> │   ├── deflate.load
> │   ├── dialup.load
> │   ├── dir.conf
> │   ├── dir.load
> │   ├── dump_io.load
> │   ├── echo.load
> │   ├── env.load
> │   ├── expires.load
> │   ├── ext_filter.load
> │   ├── file_cache.load
> │   ├── filter.load
> │   ├── headers.load
> │   ├── heartbeat.load
> │   ├── heartmonitor.load
> │   ├── ident.load
> │   ├── include.load
> │   ├── info.conf
> │   ├── info.load
> │   ├── lbmethod_bybusyness.load
> │   ├── lbmethod_byrequests.load
> │   ├── lbmethod_bytraffic.load
> │   ├── lbmethod_heartbeat.load
> │   ├── ldap.conf
> │   ├── ldap.load
> │   ├── log_debug.load
> │   ├── log_forensic.load
> │   ├── lua.load
> │   ├── macro.load
> │   ├── mime.conf
> │   ├── mime.load
> │   ├── mime_magic.conf
> │   ├── mime_magic.load
> │   ├── mpm_event.conf
> │   ├── mpm_event.load
> │   ├── mpm_prefork.conf
> │   ├── mpm_prefork.load
> │   ├── mpm_worker.conf
> │   ├── mpm_worker.load
> │   ├── negotiation.conf
> │   ├── negotiation.load
> │   ├── php5.6.conf
> │   ├── php5.6.load
> │   ├── php7.0.conf
> │   ├── php7.0.load
> │   ├── php7.1.conf
> │   ├── php7.1.load
> │   ├── php7.2.conf
> │   ├── php7.2.load
> │   ├── php7.3.conf
> │   ├── php7.3.load
> │   ├── php7.4.conf
> │   ├── php7.4.load
> │   ├── php8.0.conf
> │   ├── php8.0.load
> │   ├── proxy_ajp.load
> │   ├── proxy_balancer.conf
> │   ├── proxy_balancer.load
> │   ├── proxy.conf
> │   ├── proxy_connect.load
> │   ├── proxy_express.load
> │   ├── proxy_fcgi.load
> │   ├── proxy_fdpass.load
> │   ├── proxy_ftp.conf
> │   ├── proxy_ftp.load
> │   ├── proxy_html.conf
> │   ├── proxy_html.load
> │   ├── proxy_http.load
> │   ├── proxy.load
> │   ├── proxy_scgi.load
> │   ├── proxy_wstunnel.load
> │   ├── ratelimit.load
> │   ├── reflector.load
> │   ├── remoteip.load
> │   ├── reqtimeout.conf
> │   ├── reqtimeout.load
> │   ├── request.load
> │   ├── rewrite.load
> │   ├── sed.load
> │   ├── session_cookie.load
> │   ├── session_crypto.load
> │   ├── session_dbd.load
> │   ├── session.load
> │   ├── setenvif.conf
> │   ├── setenvif.load
> │   ├── slotmem_plain.load
> │   ├── slotmem_shm.load
> │   ├── socache_dbm.load
> │   ├── socache_memcache.load
> │   ├── socache_shmcb.load
> │   ├── speling.load
> │   ├── ssl.conf
> │   ├── ssl.load
> │   ├── status.conf
> │   ├── status.load
> │   ├── substitute.load
> │   ├── suexec.load
> │   ├── unique_id.load
> │   ├── userdir.conf
> │   ├── userdir.load
> │   ├── usertrack.load
> │   ├── vhost_alias.load
> │   └── xml2enc.load
> ├── mods-enabled
> │   ├── access_compat.load -> ../mods-available/access_compat.load
> │   ├── alias.conf -> ../mods-available/alias.conf
> │   ├── alias.load -> ../mods-available/alias.load
> │   ├── auth_basic.load -> ../mods-available/auth_basic.load
> │   ├── authn_core.load -> ../mods-available/authn_core.load
> │   ├── authn_file.load -> ../mods-available/authn_file.load
> │   ├── authz_core.load -> ../mods-available/authz_core.load
> │   ├── authz_host.load -> ../mods-available/authz_host.load
> │   ├── authz_user.load -> ../mods-available/authz_user.load
> │   ├── autoindex.conf -> ../mods-available/autoindex.conf
> │   ├── autoindex.load -> ../mods-available/autoindex.load
> │   ├── deflate.conf -> ../mods-available/deflate.conf
> │   ├── deflate.load -> ../mods-available/deflate.load
> │   ├── dir.conf -> ../mods-available/dir.conf
> │   ├── dir.load -> ../mods-available/dir.load
> │   ├── env.load -> ../mods-available/env.load
> │   ├── filter.load -> ../mods-available/filter.load
> │   ├── headers.load -> ../mods-available/headers.load
> │   ├── mime.conf -> ../mods-available/mime.conf
> │   ├── mime.load -> ../mods-available/mime.load
> │   ├── mpm_prefork.conf -> ../mods-available/mpm_prefork.conf
> │   ├── mpm_prefork.load -> ../mods-available/mpm_prefork.load
> │   ├── negotiation.conf -> ../mods-available/negotiation.conf
> │   ├── negotiation.load -> ../mods-available/negotiation.load
> │   ├── php5.6.conf -> ../mods-available/php5.6.conf
> │   ├── php5.6.load -> ../mods-available/php5.6.load
> │   ├── rewrite.load -> ../mods-available/rewrite.load
> │   ├── setenvif.conf -> ../mods-available/setenvif.conf
> │   ├── setenvif.load -> ../mods-available/setenvif.load
> │   ├── socache_dbm.load -> ../mods-available/socache_dbm.load
> │   ├── socache_memcache.load -> ../mods-available/socache_memcache.load
> │   ├── socache_shmcb.load -> ../mods-available/socache_shmcb.load
> │   ├── ssl.conf -> ../mods-available/ssl.conf
> │   ├── ssl.load -> ../mods-available/ssl.load
> │   ├── status.conf -> ../mods-available/status.conf
> │   ├── status.load -> ../mods-available/status.load
> │   ├── userdir.conf -> ../mods-available/userdir.conf
> │   └── userdir.load -> ../mods-available/userdir.load
> ├── ports.conf
> ├── sites-available
> │   ├── 000-default.conf
> │   └── default-ssl.conf
> └── sites-enabled
>     ├── 000-default.conf -> ../sites-available/000-default.conf
>     └── default-ssl.conf -> ../sites-available/default-ssl.conf
> 7 directories, 212 files
> Now, the problem is:
> One of my config files is */etc/apache2/mods-enabled/userdir.conf*
> It has this contents:
> [Begin File contents]
> <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
>         UserDir public_html
>         UserDir disabled root
>         <Directory /home/adam/public_html>
>                 AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
>                 Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
> IncludesNoExec
>                 <Limit GET POST OPTIONS>
>                         Require all granted
>                 </Limit>
>                 <LimitExcept GET POST OPTIONS>
>                         Require all denied
>                 </LimitExcept>
>                 php_admin_value open_basedir /home/adam/public_html:/tmp
>         </Directory>
> [End File contents]
> The problem I noticed is that "</IfModule>" was absent from this file.
> So the <IfModule> at the beginning of this file was not properly closed.
> The mod_userdir module is always loaded and running. This is the intended
> setting.
> Restating the webserver (and retaining this configuration) did not yield
> any problems.
> However, requesting a certificate with Let's Encrypt's certbot revealed
> this issue because certbot performed an analysis on Apache's configuration
> files before renewing this certificate and found this problem.
> After I properly closed the IfModule with "</IfModule>" and restarted the
> webserver certbot worked again.
> Of course, Apache also worked.
> Now, my question is:
> What could this have affected ? The lack of "</IfModule>" at the end of
> the "userdir" module.
> (I am permanently using and loaded the UserDir Module because I needed. So
> the "IF" condition is a perfect TRUE, for my server.)
> Could have impacted something else ?
> I don't know how many other modules or directives loads Apache into memory
> on startup...
> Is it possible that everything it loaded after this file could be "under
> the influence" of <IfModule mod_userdir.c>  because it was not properly
> closed ?
> (In this case, perhaps Apache found another <IfModule> or <VirtualHost>
> along the way and nested it inside my unclosed <IfModule> ?)
> I am concerned about security risks, not loading of other configs properly
> or some other wierd combination that messes up my configs.... I have
> htaccess statements and security measures I put in place in my configs, as
> this server is used by tens of users.
> Also, Apache should have reported this unclosed <IfModule> on restart. I
> don't know why it didn't.
> I know Apache reads configuration files in a specific order based on a
> combination of directories, filenames, and inclusion rules, however I don't
> know how a missing IfModule closure tag can affect other things...
> If someone can help me... if an Apache developer or someone that
> understands these things perfectly knows what can I expect from this
> situation, please advise...
> Thank you.
> --
> Cu stima,
> Adam Mihai Gergely
> Informaticianwww.infosky.ro
What I would do first is create a simple test with an open <IfModule>
block, and apachectl -f /path/to/config/file configtest, and see if there
is an error.

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