On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 10:56 AM <andreas.moro...@wobi.bz.it> wrote:

> Hello,
> we would like to use tomcat with ibm semeru as jre.
> I searched the web, but found no documentation.
> Is this combination supported and is there documentation on how to
> configure it?
> Greetings
> Andreas
> Institut für den sozialen Wohnbau des Landes Südtirol
> Istituto per l’edilizia sociale della Provincia autonoma di Bolzano
> 39100 Bozen Horazstraße 14 / 39100 Bolzano via Orazio, 14
> *wobi.bz.it* <https://www.wobi.bz.it/de/default.asp>   *ipes.bz.it*
> <https://www.ipes.bz.it/it/default.asp>
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