Hello, First of all, thank you for reading this mail.
I send an email to this address to ask three questions about apache httpd compilation. First, I am curious whether it is possible to know the compile option by only using httpd binary file. I tried to compare the compile options between Bitnami and Drupal which are the containers using apache httpd server. I could find the compile option of Bitnami from config.nice file in Bitnami's container. However, I could not see any information of Drupal's compile option in Drupal's container. So, I am curious whether it is possible to find the compile option of apache httpd by only using httpd binary file or apache2 binary file. Second, does configure option(e.g., --enable-ssl --enable-so) which is used to build the apache httpd affect the httpd binary file? I think that if the configure option is different, the httpd binary file is also different. However, when I compiled the httpd program with two options (one command is "./configure" and the other is "./configure --enable-ssl --enable-so") and llvm, I could get the same bitcode files from two different options. So, I am curious whether the configure option affects building apache httpd. If it does not affect, I also want to know whether apache httpd only uses same httpd binary file and supports some functions by only using configuration file (e.g, httpd.conf). Lastly, may I know the compile option of httpd or apache2 which they can be installed using commands (e.g, apt install apache2)? I am not sure whether asking these questions to this mail is right. If it is not right, may I know where should I ask about these questions? I appreciate you for reading this email. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,