> > How does apache httpd 2.4 handle multiple VirtualHost directives for the > same address ? > > For example: > > <VirtualHost *:443> > SSLCertificateFile "${SRVROOT}/conf/server.crt" > # ... > </VirtualHost> > > <VirtualHost *:443> > DocumentRoot "/www/docs/host.example.com" > # ... > </VirtualHost> > > Are the settings merged, as if written like this: > > <VirtualHost *:443> > SSLCertificateFile "${SRVROOT}/conf/server.crt" > # ... > DocumentRoot "/www/docs/host.example.com" > # ... > </VirtualHost>
But you are using ServerName and ServerAlias to load the correct one not? > > Or is one directive block used and the other ignored (which one)? > > The reason I ask is that I have general SSL related settings in one file > ( ssl.conf ) and the content related settings in another ( content.conf > ) and both config files are included in the main config file. > You can have general ssl stuff in different (global) config. There is already such file and just add these to the Virtualhost SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile SSLCertificateKeyFile SSLCertificateChainFile