Hello :) I’m running Apache/2.4.55 with mod_ldap.x86_64 2.4.55-1.amzn2
I’m trying to make to work the ldap over SSL to LDAP provided by Google. But unfortunately no success. Via plain LDAP using stunnel all works as expected. But using SSL directly in httpd doesn’t work. I think it may have something do with mod_ldap doesn’t support SNI yet as I’m not sure which version of OpenLDAP is compiled to mod_ldap ? As wrote here: https://lists.apache.org/thread/tqr1xncnpsqjdy1ysbrzcvzw1om41rl7 Any ideas ? Can someone point me to the right direction ? Perhaps using a newer mod_ldap or using some directive which is not documented ? Any help would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks ! David