On Thu, Sep 08, 2022 at 02:18:08PM -0400, Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote:
> What I'm doing here seems to match everything I've been able to find
> in the documentation. Is this a bug, or have I missed something?

Sorry, forgot one bit of information. If I discard the provider alias
and just put everything inside the <Location> block, like this...

    <Location "/">
      AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldap/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com?cn
      AuthLDAPBindDN uid=authreader,ou=system,dc=example,dc=com
      AuthLDAPBindPassword secret

      AuthName "LDAP"
      AuthType Basic
      AuthBasicProvider ldap
      Require ldap-user user1

...it all works just fine.

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <l...@oddbit.com> | larsks @ {irc,twitter,github}
http://blog.oddbit.com/                | N1LKS

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