Does it work if you rename index.html to index.php ?

On 2022-07-07 13:05, Stormy-SDLU wrote:
> On 2022-07-06 21:34, Frank Gingras wrote:
>> Paul,
>> httpd does not call php includes, period. This is processed by php
>> alone.
> Frank, thanks, perhaps my poor choice of words. I had this in mind:
> paul@sandbox:/etc/apache2/mods-enabled$ cat php7.4.load
> # Conflicts: php5
> # Depends: mpm_prefork
> LoadModule php7_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
> and see this as the "start" of processing the included text files:
> paul@sandbox:/www/testsolr$ cat index.html
> <?php include 'inc/tophead.html';?>
>     <title>Test Solr</title>
> <?php include 'inc/mainhead.html';?>
> /..../
> So, apologies for "call", but do you or others have a suggestion as to
> why this works on one box, and not on a mirror image?
> Many thanks -- Paul

David Copeland
JSI Data Systems Limited

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