If it's all internal, try LDAPVerifyServerCert off.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 11:47 AM Jennifer Mead <jm...@tucows.com> wrote:

> I get a generic error "ldap_simple_bind() failed][Can't contact LDAP
> server]" when trying to connect to ldap server with "ldaps" for ldap
> authentication.  This all worked well under regular ldap on port 389, but
> my requirement is to get it working with secure ldaps and port 636.  First
> off I can run
> openssl s_client -connect server:636
> nc -z -v IP 636
> I can see a close wait connection on ncsd connected to the ldap server.
> I suspect this has to do with certificates and apache2?  Not much
> documentation out there.  Here are my relevant chunks:
> AuthType Basic
> AuthBasicProvider ldap file
> AuthName "GestioIP - Authentication against AD"
> LDAPTrustedClientCert CERT_BASE64
> /usr/local/share/cacertificates/tucows-root-ca-v2.crt
> AuthLDAPUrl
> "ldaps://x.x.x.x:636/DC=int,DC=tucows,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)"
> AuthLDAPBindDN "CN=SA-ADLookups,OU=Service
> Accounts,DC=int,DC=tucows,DC=com"
> AuthLDAPBindPassword "secret"
> AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative on
> Require ldap-user
> Some posts I tried to follow suggested I use module auth_ldap.  However I
> cannot find that module to install and supposedly have another module that
> works instead?  Horribly confused and wondering what is wrong?  No one at
> my office can help either, just on my plate to figure out. With such a
> generic error, I don't know if the cert is failing or if the config is
> wrong or ???
> I am on debian 10, we are using this for a GestioIP install just to get
> users authenticated.  Any help of any kind is greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Jen Mead
> jm...@tucowsinc.com

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