On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 12:42 PM Christophe JAILLET
<christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> >> I am upgrading from Apache 2.4.43 to 2.4.52 and using openssl from
> >> source. I currently use 1.1.1.k and would normally go to the latest
> >> LTS  version1.1.1.m; however, would it be better to move to version
> > Well, the obvious answer is "no," at least for my other
> > configurations. I got all kinds of compilation warnings and errors.

> Hi Tom,
> sharing the errors you got could be interesting.
> AFAIK, httpd 2.4.52 should work fine with openssl 3.

Thanks, Christophe, I will do that. Now that I have that server
working fine, I'm soon going to upgrade my other server.

BTW, one oddity I saw on the working install is inexplicable to me,
but then I have had to work hard with much trial and error with both
OpenSSL and httpd to get the installation procedures I have used now
for over five years and don't really understand it all--maybe you can
explain it.

Normally I install OpenSSL in its own named directory under '/opt'.
For example, '/opt/openssl-1.1.1m' for the one I successfully
installed. I normally  leave the old library in place when I install a
new one.  This time, when I configured and installed the new httpd, I
saw in the configuration log that it was using bothe the old and the
new OPenSSL directories!

Then I deleted the old OpenSSL directory, executed 'make clean'  (not
'make distclean', which I don't think is a valid target), but, to my
surprise the link reference showed up again!  Note I did not uninstall
the old httpd installation (I'm not sure it's an option in the
Makefile), so there may be old files lying around causing the problem.

On the next installation I will try harder to watch each step (and
take better notes) for the source of the problem, including removing
the old installation.

Best regards,


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