
We are using Apache 2.4.48.  This Apache is primarily acting as a proxy, and we 
use the WebLogic Plugin for Apache to connect from the Apache to a WebLogic 

In the Apache ssl.conf, we have a <VirtualHost>, and in that <VirtualHost>, 
they have a <Location />:

<VirtualHost _default_:443 _default_:14101>
<Location />
  WLSRequest On
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  WebLogicCluster xxx.foo.com:14101
  SecureProxy ON
  WLSSLWallet ".../wallet"
  Debug OFF
  WLLogFile "/logs/oam_location.out"


Because of the <Location />, this Apache is not able to serve local content 
(e.g., html, etc.), but I have a requirement to be able to serve a single HTML 
page from this Apache.  

Unfortunately, they want to keep that <Location /> in the ssl.conf, so I am 
trying to figure out how I might be able to configure the Apache so that it can 
serve that HTML page that I am needing?

I have tried to add an Alias in front of the <Location />, i.e.:

Alias "/foo" "/apps/products/apache/instances/apache_oam/foo"

<Location />

But I am getting a Forbidden response.  Also sometimes the browser seems to 
"loop", adding "/index.html" to the end of the URL in the address bar.

So I was wondering:  Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do, 
without disturbing the <Location />??


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