I found ""; to test the CORS. How about the values of 
the "Request Headers" and "Request Content" fields? Can you show me an example?

On Sunday, September 5, 2021, 05:02:15 PM GMT+4:30, Eric Covener 
<> wrote: 

On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 5:11 AM Jason Long <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I read 
> ",To%20set%20Access%2DControl%2DAllow%2DOrigin%20header%20in%20Apache,VirtualHost%3E%20sections%20of%20your%20file.&text=The%20above%20line%20will%20allow,requests%20from%20all%20other%20domains.";
>  and I want to enable CORS in the Apache. I have a Virtual Host file under 
> the "/etc/httpd/conf.d/" directory. I opened it and added below line to the 
> "<VirtualHost *:80>...</VirtualHost>" section:
> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""
> Is it enough?

There's a good chance it results in the header being set, but this
takes about 30 seconds to verify and you're the only one who can do


If there are really two domains involved here and you have an actual
CORS error/requirement, the odds of this being enough without any
testing/iteration are probably lower. For that you'll have to
understand CORS and use your browsers developer tools to check your
work as you go.

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