The error log is rather odd and is coming with a debugging output I add myself 

[Sat Jul 31 10:13:29.824371 2021] [:debug] [pid 30273:tid 3027227680] 
src/mod_mini_booking.c(73): [client] handleBooking(): smtp 
failed with Failed to authenticate with the given credentials, referer: 

The smtp-client code generating this is:

                struct smtp *smtp;
                smtp_status_code rc;

                rc = smtp_open(<SMTPSERVER>", "465",
                 SMTP_SECURITY_TLS, SMTP_NO_CERT_VERIFY, NULL, &smtp);
                rc = smtp_auth(smtp, SMTP_AUTH_LOGIN, <EMAIL>, <PASSWORD>);
                rc = smtp_address_add(smtp, SMTP_ADDRESS_FROM, <EMAIL>, 
                rc = smtp_address_add(smtp, SMTP_ADDRESS_TO, form("email"), 
                rc = smtp_header_add(smtp, "Subject", "Buchungsbestätigung");
                rc = smtp_mail(smtp, "BODY");
                rc = smtp_close(smtp);

                if (rc==SMTP_STATUS_OK)
                        debug("handleBooking(): sent mail successfully");
                        debug("handleBooking(): smtp failed with %s", 

privacy reasons.
The sequence fails when calling smtp_auth(), rc is carried on by this library.

The smtp library sends debugging output to stderr. This would be interesting to 
see. Any idea where stderr is forwarded to by apache?

> On 31. Jul 2021, at 11:55, Antony Stone <> 
> wrote:
> On Saturday 31 July 2021 at 11:46:50, Harald Schlangmann wrote:
>> First post to this group, so please forgive anything I'm doing wrong.
> Welcome.
>> Problem: everything is going fine except for sending a confirmation mail to
>> users once a booking has been successful. I use
>> as a simple C based SMTP client
>> embedded into the module. While the function to send a mail is working
>> fine when compiling it as a separate C program and running it from the
>> command line, it fails when embedding  the function into my Apache module.
> Show us details of what "fails" means.
> Minimum: what shows up in Apache's log files when the email is supposed to be 
> sent.
> Maybe helpful: a packet capture (using something like tcpdump or tshark) of 
> any communication with the remote mail server.
> Also "For SMTP, port 465 and TLS security (openssl) is used."
> Try starting simple and eliminate the TLS - just send SMTP to some mail 
> server 
> on port 25.  If that works, we know it's not the module per se, and we can 
> focus on the SSL library.
> Antony.
> -- 
> People say that nothing is impossible, so I try to do the impossible every 
> day.
>                                                   Please reply to the list;
>                                                         please *don't* CC me.
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