Hi All,

I have a setup similar to this
                                       |--------->  proxy 1 ------> node 1
User ---> AWS ELB ---->|--------->  proxy 2 ------> node 2
                                       |--------->  proxy 3 ------> node 3

Here is the config on all the proxy servers to manage sticky session.

# Load Balancer
<Proxy balancer://cluster>
  BalancerMember http://node01:8098 route=1
  BalancerMember http://node02:8098 route=2
  BalancerMember http://node03:8098 route=3
  ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID

ProxyPass /context balancer://cluster/context
ProxyPassReverse /context balancer://cluster/context

Whenever a user connect to a node the proxy servers keeps the session
to same node which is necessary for my application

However, I am not sure how the proxy servers share the sticky session.
Do I need to add a second sticky session on AWS ELB to know which
proxy server has the right ROUTEID

Any suggestion or explanation is appreciated.


Asif Iqbal
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