As open source admin support ,
 you are so useless that you fail to
 identify the issue was  two different product designs.

Instead you passed on your failures as an excuses that I am not reading the 

> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 8:48 AM
> From: "back button" <>
> To:
> Subject: [users@httpd] Admin
> Like I said,  setting up httpd is  admin work
> Just like like installing operating system
> or installing an IDE   version control.
> I didn't want to spend time
> mastering like my livelihood depended on.
> Just get it going so I can hook it up with an application logic server.
> You people made such a hash of it beginning with  folino whose first language 
> isn't English. I think  I know where he is from.
> You can stick your open source help where the sun doesnt shine.
> The issue for me was different configurations.
> Once I  understood my approached changed accordingly.
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