I will quote myself on how best I recommend to deal with it:*

*DNFTEC* - This acronym goes all the way back to 1996. Its the original "don't feed the trolls." DNFTEC stands for 'don't feed the energy creatures' and a great description of what/who these are can be found here:

http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/dsp.cgi?msg=6284 <http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/dsp.cgi?msg=6284>

"There is a certain type of being that's all too common in the online world. I call them "Energy Creatures," a term I first heard on one of the commercial services. Energy Creatures are a bizarre lifeform which grow and feed off of the negative energy generated by others.

Energy Creatures' favorite feeding tactic is to try to hurt people's feelings or get them angry. Then they can feed off the pain and anger they've generated. Their second favorite tactic is to hurt one person or group's feelings while gathering the sympathy of others. That way, when the injured party lashes back, others will jump to the Energy Creature's defense. Then the Energy Creature need do nothing except feed off the attention and the negative energy generated by the people fighting."

While energy creatures are normally thought to frequent the various forums around the internet, the same term can be applied to spam mailers. Its more common today to find that spammers are actually members of organized crime around the world or are hackers with large robotic networks of hijacked computers called botnets. These fall under the DNFTEC acronym because they are trying to steal your money, personal information, contact information, of all of the above. PCCC highly recommends that users just mark the spam mail as such and move on. Do not hit the 'click here to be removed from our list' link since most of the time those just confirm to the spammers which e-mails addresses are actually live.

On 4/30/2021 2:58 PM, Daniel Ferradal wrote:
There will always be ungrateful people, even to the point of being
childish, Why pay attention? They just do it to themselves, and we all
know what will happen next.

El vie, 30 abr 2021 a las 18:28, John (<john.ili...@iliffe.ca>) escribió:
As a longtime Apache user who has had innumerable questions answered
promptly by members of this list I have been watching this person and
wondering how anyone could be so obtuse.

IMO he has been treated more than fairly and some of the people
supplying answers have gone far beyond what one would normally expect
for free list support.

Keeping in mind that this is free software I wonder how how anyone
could reasonably quantify Back Button's response as appropriate or

Please keep it up Apache supporters; your patience is appreciated by
the majority of us!  And we don't swear and blame you when we can't
come to grips with reality!





        *Kevin A. McGrail*
/CEO Emeritus/
*Peregrine Computer Consultants Corporation*
        +1.703.798.0171                 kmcgr...@pccc.com
         https://pccc.com/              https://raptoremailsecurity.com

        10311 Cascade Lane, Fairfax, Virginia 22032-2357 USA

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