sure, happy to help! I also received a lot of help on mailing lists :-)
I also understand Nick's statement though, that in order to learn, you
have to dig in yourself.
But it can be a difficult balance sometimes, because sometimes one
cannot see the forest for the trees anymore.
I have been more than 20 years on public mailing lists and the
question/answer patterns are still the same.... well, let's see, maybe
we can break the patterns in the near future :-)
Am 19.04.21 um 19:06 schrieb o1bigtenor:
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 10:20 AM Michael Wechner
<> wrote:
Hi Jason
The reverse proxy entries should look something like
(I'm not the OP - - - but - - - - )
Thank you - - - - I find most docs and almost all man pages are written
by experts for experts who just might need a reminder and everything
would be good - - - - your answer on the other hand answers the
question for someone who knows maybe not so much and gives
an example (something that is quite rare in docs and an almost never
in man pages).
Thanking you for your assistance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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