On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 2:11 AM Paul A <storm...@stormy.ca> wrote:

> I'm not sure where "rich" becomes "poor"? Been using both for a couple
> of decades or more. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.  Try "Apache's
> rotatelogs" and if you're really unhappy that it needs tweaking,
> probably someone here can help you.

Well, I'm not sure if the best solution to "Apache graceful restarts are
causing errors and hangs" is "stop doing Apache graceful restarts." Or is
it?? :-)

I'm sure you're correct that I could work around the problem by changing
the logging method. But I'm not convinced that logrotate is the thing
that's broken. It's just the reason I'm having to reload Apache --
something that, before my migration to Apache 2.4 with Event MPM, was
totally normal and never caused problems.

Are graceful restarts with the Event MPM known to be problematic? Is it
something that can be resolved by tuning the MPM settings? Or should I --
as you seem to suggest -- avoid this type of restart entirely by changing
my logging method?

Thanks very much.

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