
Thank you.

On Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 08:26:40 PM GMT+3:30, Antony Stone 
<> wrote: 

On Wednesday 17 March 2021 at 17:44:07, Jason Long wrote:

> No, it is not home work.

What Eric means is that you should start trying to solve some of these 
problems on your own, and not ask so many questions here on the list which are 
either explained in the documentation, or already answered elsewhere on the 

People are willing to share their time and expertise, but this is in exchange 
for seeing that the person asking for help has done as much as they can to 
solve their problem for themselves.

Everyone here is a volunteer, and goodwill can be over-used.

It is also important to know how to ask questions to get the best possible 

In short:

- explain fully what you are trying to achieve

- explain your setup in sufficient detail that someone else could reproduce it 
for themselves

- explain how you are testing things (again, in sufficient detail that someone 
else knows how to do precisely the same thing)

- explain what happens and how this differs from what you expected.

In longer format:

Please pay particular attention to the "Before you ask" section.



Never automate fully anything that does not have a manual override capability. 
Never design anything that cannot work under degraded conditions in emergency.

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                                                        please *don't* CC me.

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