This is what we saw as well - simple things like disabling .htaccess files can 
make a huge difference in performance (I haven't set up a server with .htaccess 
files enabled for the best part of 20 years now because of the performance hit)

From: Rose, John B <>
Sent: 11 March 2021 21:02
To:; Jason Long <>
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Is NGINX faster than Apache? [EXT]

We did some testing of Apache and nGinx head to head for something a few years 

We also did a bit of testing of Apache, nGinx, haproxy and lighthttpd a couple 
years ago for something else, and ended up picking Apache after whittling it 
down to Apache and HAProxy.

Apache was as fast as nGinx once we configured it properly. In both instances.

From: Rich Bowen <<>>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2021 2:57 PM
<<>>; Jason Long 
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Is NGINX faster than Apache?

On 3/11/21 12:33 PM, Jason Long wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it true that NGINX is faster than Apache?
> []<>
> In which environment, Apache must use?

No, it is not true.

However, it is also not false.

It depends on so many factors that it's disingenuous to answer your
question either way. To simplify, it depends on what your content is,
and how you've configured each server, but even that is too simplistic
an answer.

The real answer, as we say on the #httpd IRC channel, is TIAS - Try It
And See. Test them for your content and see which one is best.

It's also a good rule that any time you see an article that says X is
faster/better/stronger than Y, you can rest assured that the person
running it is an expert on X and not on Y, and that an expert on Y (and
not X) could probably configure things such that the reverse was true.

Use the one you're more comfortable with, more experienced with. If you
choose Apache httpd, we'll be here to help you configure it.

Rich Bowen -<>

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