On Thursday 11 March 2021 at 13:20:32, Jason Long wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone answer to my questions?
> 1- What does "handle backend server down" mean?

You have to decide what the proxy is supposed to do if the back-end server 
which it would normally pass requests on to is unable to handle those 

> 2- Can I launch a Reverse Proxy without Apache Web Server?

Yes.  You install what most people would call the "Apache web server" but you 
configure it in such as way that it is a reverse proxy and not an origin server 
(technical term for something that provides its own content in response to 

> 3- In general, an Apache Reverse Proxy Server is just some lines to forward
> the requests?

Yes, that and a few modules which need to be loaded.  It's all in the 
configuration files.


#define SIX 1+5
#define NINE 8+1

int main() {
    printf("%d\n", SIX * NINE);
        - thanks to ECB for bringing this to my attention

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