Solved it ! The module was not loaded. This fixed it: <IfModule !mod_asis.c> LoadModule asis_module modules/ </IfModule>
In my (feeble) defense I think I would have expected some warnings/errors in the log when referring to an unknown handler. (i.e. in SetHandler, AddHandler or in RewriteRule with "H" flag). For example, in the logs it would say as output from rewrite module: "force filename /mytest/httpd/send-401.asis to have the Content-handler 'send-as-is'" and I must admit I took that line as if it was using that handler. But I know realize that this log statement only indicates intent. In any case: Thank you!! Excellent community response to my somewhat border case. /Lars On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 12:43 AM Tatsuki Makino <> wrote: > > In most cases, mod_asis in httpd.conf will probably remain commented out. > Everyone's favorite :), mod_cgi and mod_cgid, will be set to use it. > > Both mod_asis and mod_cgi use ap_scan_script_header_*, so the response code > will change depending on the Status header. > The special consideration of the Status header is due to the RFC 3875. > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: