Is there documentation for any of these methods? If you can point me to the 
proper section of the code base I can probably figure it out and document if 

The code is super simple, does not require any dependency and is auto 
You are not calling any method.
There are 4 functions that are implemented at the beginning of the script: 
sendcontentheader() and sendstatuscode() send only a single header to stdout, 
endheaders() send newline character to end the response headers and begin the 
body section, sendbody() write some html to stdout.

The function that sends the HTTP Status code header is sendstatuscode().

Also, try to directly exec the script from command line to get the output, that 

dino@a1:/tmp# chmod 755 test.cgi
dino@a1:/tmp# ./test.cgi
Content-Type: text/html
Status: 410 Gone

<head><title>HI!</title></head><body><h2>Hi there, this is <b>test.cgi</b> 
speaking.<h2><h3>HTTP Status code: 410 Gone</h3</body>

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