Thanks Yann, I really appreciate the information! This really helps!

On Sat, Dec 12, 2020, 7:01 AM Yann Ylavic <> wrote:

> Hi,
> These are more questions for the dev@apr.a.o (or dev@httpd) mailing
> list, though there are APR developers on this list too ;)
> >
> > Quick question how does the apr use the shm segments and why does it
> have a slotmem error if we use mod_proxy with several balancer name calls
> and multiple hosts apache servers on a single dev box? I am really trying
> to understand how this code segment below works?
> So you don't have balancer://url duplicates (anymore) and still slotmem
> errors?
> >
> > shm.c file call?
> >
> >    71 static key_t our_ftok(const char *filename)
> >    72 {
> >    73     /* to help avoid collisions while still using
> >    74      * an easily recreated proj_id */
> >    75     apr_ssize_t slen = strlen(filename);
> >    76     return ftok(filename,
> >    77                 (int)apr_hashfunc_default(filename, &slen));
> >    78 }
> >    79 #endif
> This is a wrapper around the system's ftok() function, a thingy needed
> by the IPC SysV API to create a unique ID from a file path, to be
> passed to shmget() & co system calls.
> From the Linux man page:
>        key_t ftok(const char *pathname, int proj_id);
>        The ftok() function uses the identity of the file named by the
> given pathname (which must refer to an existing, accessible file) and
> the least significant 8 bits of proj_id (which must be nonā€zero) to
> generate a key_t type System V IPC key, suitable for use with
> msgget(2), semget(2), or shmget(2).
>        The resulting value is the same for all pathnames that name the
> same file, when the same value of proj_id is used.
>        The value returned should be different when the (simultaneously
> existing) files or the project IDs differ.
>        On some ancient systems, the prototype was:
>            key_t ftok(char *pathname, char proj_id);
>        Today, proj_id is an int, but still only 8 bits are used.
>        Typical usage has an ASCII character proj_id, that is why the
> behavior is said to be undefined when proj_id is zero.
>        Of  course, no guarantee can be given that the resulting key_t is
> unique.
>        Typically, a best-effort attempt combines the given proj_id
> byte, the lower 16 bits of the inode number, and the lower 8 bits of
> the device number into a 32-bit result.
>        Collisions may easily happen, for example between files on
> /dev/hda1 and files on /dev/sda1.
> Neat.. the IPC SysV API is horrid (IMHO) :/
> Fortunately the APR lib does not expose this proj_id since it has no
> meaning for the other possible SHM mechanisms (e.g. POSIX).
> To help with the collision issue, the proj_id is not fixed to a
> non-zero constant either, but rather hashed from the filename to
> improve mixing.
> The apr_hashfunc_default() function used here (djbhash) is not the
> more collision resistant one.
> For the POSIX mechanism the APR lib also mixes in an rshash of the
> filename, for IPC SysV this would be:
> static key_t our_ftok(const char *filename)
> {
>     /* to help avoid collisions while still using
>      * an easily recreated proj_id */
>     apr_ssize_t flen;
>     unsigned int h;
>     flen = strlen(filename);
>     h = apr_hashfunc_default(filename, &flen);
>     h ^= rshash(filename);
>     if (h == 0) {
>         h = 0xc; /* arbitrary, non-zero */
>     }
>     return ftok(filename, h);
> }
> But there have been no issue raised so far for the current IPC SysV
> implementation.
> Do you observe collisions for different file names here, by e.g.
> adding a printf of the filename and hash in the current our_ftok()
> function?
> >
> >   696 {
> >   698     struct shmid_ds shmbuf;
> >   699     int shmid;
> >   700     apr_shm_t *m = (apr_shm_t *)theshm;
> >   701
> >   702     if ((shmid = shmget(m->shmkey, 0, SHM_R | SHM_W)) == -1) {
> >   703         return errno;
> >   704     }
> Here m->shmkey is then the result of our_ftok(filename).
> Regards;
> Yann.
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