Hello, I have a ipfileblocklist text file that has over 10,000 ip addresses
that need to be matched against. We managed to do a RewriteCond expr  "
(%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch 'X.X.X.X' )” on the cdir ipmatch that
comes back from the F5 but there are too many single rewrite cond
exprs that are being called and it caused apache to slow down or lock  due
to each singular condition call within the file.

Over 60000 plus single condition calls in our separate ipblocking file.
This causes a huge load on the apache server and locks the system.

    RewriteCond expr  " (%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch 'X.X.X.X' )”

     RewriteCond expr  " (%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch 'X.X.X.X' )”

    RewriteCond expr  " (%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch 'X.X.X.X' )”

We want to load the ips into a rewritemap text or db and call them but the
mapping condition on the CDIR seems to be off somewhat and doesn't work.

Also, as the file grows do you have any recommendations on iobuffering or
slow down loading the data into a map?

Our file has a list of ips like to so. The condition will check each
beginning and end with b$   b   b

RewriteMap ipblocklist “txt:/path/to/ipblocklist.txt”

  RewriteCond "${ipblocklist:% ({HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch  ^b$)”

  RewriteCond ${ipblocklist:%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch}}
 ^b$            [NC]

RewriteRule ^/[^/]+/Main/ad/ - [F,L]

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