I just read some thread in serverfault where a user explain the same
situation I have and one comment suggest that the problem was resolve by  *by
loading module LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/mod_mpm_prefork.so
instead of LoadModule mpm_worker_module modules/mod_mpm_worker.so* does
this sound believable to you? I understand that changing mpms in this
version of apache is not so easy(it has to be re build) so I want to ask
you first before I jump into such quest of rebuilding apache.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 9:39 AM Jairo Jimenez <jairo.xime...@gmail.com>

> Thank you guys for such a quick response and elaborated answers. I haved
> turned on the browser's debug tool and what i can get from there is
> "Status": 401 unauthorized for many resources.
> As per setting cookies I havent try any of this, dont know how to at the
> moment. here is the configuration I have in my vhost file:
> ProxyRequests Off
>  ProxyPreserveHost Off
>  <Proxy *>
>      Order deny,allow
>      Allow from all
>  </Proxy>
>     ProxyPass    /innerLink/    http://intrasrv01:8080/sites/Home.aspx
>     ProxyPassReverse /innerLink/ http://intrasrv01:8080/sites/Home.aspx
> ProxyPass /  http://intrasrv01:8080/
> ProxyPassReverse /  http://intrasrv01:8080/
> RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding
> AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html
> Substitute "s|http://intrasrv01:8080/||ni"
> the site is in a sharepoint 2010 server. The new odd thing is happening is 
> that sometimes loads almost all resources with just one login, and some times 
> is prompting for ever
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 8:28 PM Muggeridge, Matt <matt.muggerid...@hpe.com>
> wrote:
>> I’ll add a little more about cookies to Mark’s excellent answer…
>> If you’re using cookies for passing authentication tokens via the
>> reverse-proxy, then read about ProxyPassReverseCookiePath.
>> E.g. let’s say your proxy uses the path “/foo/” and this is mapped to ”/” on
>> the backend.  Then you need a line in your configuration file:
>> ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /foo/
>> - Client issues a login request.
>> - The backend server responds to the login request with a "Set-Cookie"
>> header containing the cookie value and "path=/".
>> - The reverse proxy must map the path to match the request,  so "path=/"
>> must be rewritten as "path=/<proxy-request-path>/".
>> NOTE: You can see what’s needed by tracing the Cookie content on the
>> backend server as well as this proxy.  E.g. tracing the Set-Cookie in the
>> Proxy might require something like:
>>    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" \"%{Content-Type}o\" \"C:%{Cookie}i\"
>> \"S-C:%{Set-Cookie}o\" %>s %b"
>>    TransferLog "/store/log/httpd_access_log"
>> Matt.
>> *From:* Mark Brodis <mabro...@colorado4x4.net>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 25 March 2020 1:58 AM
>> *To:* users@httpd.apache.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [users@httpd] Reverse proxy
>> Without knowing exactly how your setup is configured, my guess is the
>> issue is that when you authenticate the first time to the remote site
>> whatever auth logic it's using that is not being persistent for your
>> connection or repeat requests.  Typically this would be a cookie, you
>> authenticate successfully, the site gives you a cookie with some session ID
>> in it, with each request you send that cookie and it references a valid
>> session so it does not make you re-authenticate.  That cookie from the site
>> could be set with specific parameters, what hosts or domains are valid for
>> it (when should the browser send this cookie with requests to those
>> hosts/domains), what it can be used for (HTTPonly is common), expiration
>> date, whether the browser should only send the cookie for secure
>> connections, etc.
>> My guess is whatever that logic is, it's not getting back to the browser
>> so the browser either doesn't have, or isn't sending, whatever the site
>> wants to see to show that you already have a valid session.
>> Commonly this could happen if you are accessing a site by a different
>> name, if you access 'coolsite.example.com' and that hits your proxy,
>> ends up fetching content from 'othersite.foo.org', then whatever cookies
>> the 'othersite.foo.org' site puts in the response, they should make it
>> back to the originating browser (will be in the response header), but they
>> will be for 'othersite.foo.org' and your browser will reject them
>> because they will come in a reponse to a request for '
>> coolsite.example.com', if your browser did save them it still wouldn't
>> use them for the next request because the name on them would be for '
>> othersite.foo.org' so it would dutifully only send those cookies to
>> requests to that site (which you wouldn't be doing, you'd be going to '
>> coolsite.example.com').
>> If you turn on debugging (all modern browsers have this) or use a HTTP
>> capture local proxy (if running Windows then Fiddler Tool is very good) you
>> can see these transactions happen and see exactly what was sent and
>> received from the browser's perspective.
>> That's how I would start debugging at least.
>> If that is the problem..then how to fix that (which is pseudo faking out
>> the browser) would be to rewrite/modify the 'set-cookie' command as it
>> comes from the remote server in the response and change the host/domain
>> value in it to match what you actually went to.  I believe that can be done
>> as part of mod_rewrite but I don't have a lot of experience doing that.
>> Good luck.
>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 7:19 AM Jairo Jimenez <jairo.xime...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Greetings I am new to apache. so please dont be so hard if this is too
>> basic
>> I;ve been practicing by my self looking for scenarios to solve, but I
>> have this a particular one that I can[t figure out.
>> I manage to set some sore of reverse proxy to forward a website that I
>> have on an intranet.(forward it to external net throug VPN).
>> The thing I cant figure out is that when I acces this site through the
>> proxy, it prompts to enter the user name an pass but it is doing this for
>> every resource that needs to download, eg: images, style sheets,scripts
>> every thing.
>> Is there a way I can configure apache confs to manage this and store some
>> kind of cookie or cache to avoid this and enter login credentials just
>> once.?

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