George R Goffe schrieb:
I have come across a few sites whose URLs seem to provide continuous content. When the user goes to
the end of the URL the "server?" "thinks" for a second or two and puts up an
animated mouse pointer and then more content appears.
My question is, "How is this continuous content" accomplished. Is it a server
side setting or script?
Thanks for your help,
Best regards,
Beside the technical background you shouldn't do this,
snce this is very user unfriendly.
Even the one who invented this now is the opinion that this is a very
bad idea.
with best regards
Hendrik Schmieder
Hendrik Schmieder
Senior Software Engineer
+49 761 15147 13
Jedox AG
Bismarckallee 7a
79098Freiburg im Breisgau
Executive Board: Florian Winterstein (Chairman), Bernd Eisenblätter
Supervisory Board: Bernhard Wöbker (Chairman), Curt Gunsenheimer, Thilo Schmid
Place of Business: Amtsgericht Freiburg HRB 702118