On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 08:36 Gillis J. de Nijs <gil...@jink.net.invalid> wrote:
> There's mod_macro that might be useful.  I don't think it does calculations, 
> though, so you might need to do some things yourself.  Maybe you could indeed 
> generate the conf files yourself and use Include or IncludeOptional.


Thanks, Gillis. After I "pinged" this morning I checked the docs again
and I think I can use if/else directives inside the macro, something
like this pseudo code:

    <if domain.tld = foo.org>
        $port = 16000
    <elseif domain.tld = bar.com>
        $port = 16100
        $port = 16800

What do you think?


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