We have a similar setup and the log actually **does** rotate, but instead
of archiving the active log to the next numbered log and renumbering them
down the line, it actually instead moves the active log to the next archive
number and moves the rest down the line.  So for example, instead of
today's log being http24_access_log, it's actually http24_access_log.5 and
tomorrow the active log will be http24_access_log.6 until seven days have
passed, in which case it will revert back to the expected
http24_access_log, and repeat this process over the next seven days.  I
have not found a reason for this so far, but I am interested in figuring
out whether there is an answer to it other than "why are you still using


On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 11:09 AM Srikanth Pippari
<spipp...@vitechinc.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hello,
> We have upgraded Apache 2.2 version to Apache 2.4.34 version on *Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux Server release 6.10 (Santiago)* server . After the
> upgrade the log is not rotating  and we also check the log rotation file
> config looks good .
> Can some one help me to figure out the issue..
> Below is the config details of log rotation policy. Location of the file :
> */etc/logrotate.d/httpd24-httpd*
> */var/log/httpd24/*log {*
> *    daily*
> *    compress*
> *    missingok*
> *    notifempty*
> *    sharedscripts*
> *    delaycompress*
> *    rotate 90*
> *    postrotate*
> *      /sbin/service httpd24-httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true*
> *           endscript*
> *}*
> The config locations are different after the upgrade
> Configuration File location :
> */opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf*
> Command to stop/start/restart : *service httpd24-httpd start/stop/restart*
> *Thanks in Advance !!*
> Thanks & Regards
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Srikanth Pippari  | V3OPS team.
> Email ID : spipp...@vitechinc.com
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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