On 3/28/2019 12:11 PM, Darryl Philip Baker wrote:


I had an incident yesterday where the Apache web server host had a load average of over 170 and was performing very slowly. Stopping the web server did fix the issue but when I restarted the daemons the load started to increase very quickly. I ended up having to reboot the system to fix the issue. I don’t like that one bit, this is a Linux system not a Windows server. (Editorial remark: I have found that systems need reboots to fix stuff much more frequently since the adoption of systemd) I have been asked to do a root cause analysis, but I have not found anything as of yet. I am reaching out for help in this matter.

The system is a RHEL7 ESX VM with the Red Hat’s main line distribution of Apache 2.4 as opposed to the RHSCL version. The configuration is quite complex and a bit sensitive so I cannot share all of that. What I’m looking for is technics to look at what happened rather than being given the answer anyway.

*Darryl Baker * (he/him/his)

Sr. System Administrator

Distributed Application Platform Services

*Northwestern University*

1800 Sherman Ave.

Suite 6-600 – Box #39

Evanston, IL  60201-3715

_darryl.ba...@northwestern.edu <mailto:darryl.ba...@northwestern.edu>_

(847) 467-6674

First thing would be to check request logs during time of high load. I assume this is a public web server. Perhaps you were being probed heavily.


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