Adding to previous message: I set up port forwarding on ports 8080 (for HTTP) and 8443 (for HTTPS) for my internal IP address on my router and I also put in my IP address for the DMZ host.
Just now when I tried to start httpd as a service (I had to do it as an Administrator because I was getting "Access is denied" errors otherwise), I got this message: " [Tue Jan 15 01:42:46.023403 2019] [env:warn] [pid 10636:tid 500] AH01506: PassEnv variable <Google API Key value here> was undefined [Tue Jan 15 01:42:46.027402 2019] [env:warn] [pid 10636:tid 500] AH01506: PassEnv variable < access key value here> was undefined​ AH00526: Syntax error on line 556 of C:/Apache24/conf/httpd.conf:​ ProxyPass URL must be absolute!: E:/programming/visual_studio_2017/Projects/currency_converter/x64/Release " I hid the values of the environment variables here because they're API keys. I've set them using the PassEnv directive like this: " PassEnv apikey "<Google API Key value here>" PassEnv accesskey "< access key value here>" " Did I do it wrong? If so, please help me fix it. And why is it (as I interpret it) saying that the URL is not absolute? The application I want to deploy behind the reverse proxy is at that location on my computer. Do I need to use the DDNS subdomain URL I got, or is there something else I'm missing? If I give it the DDNS subdomain URL, how will it know where the app's files are on my computer? Or do I need to start the application server (the C++ executable program is also a web server) before starting the Apache httpd?