please create new thread for your issue

    Pada Senin, 22 Oktober 2018 20.56.05 WIB, Sanjay Kumar Sahu 
<> menulis:  
HI All !

Currently we are facing critical Apache/Kerberos authentication issue in our 
RHEL7 server running with Apache/2.4 upon changing Keytab with Crypto 
type=AES256. Previously it's Crypto type=all. Please check following with the 

We are using mod_auth_kerb on Red Hat Enterprise Linux  for our application 
MediaWiki 1.30.0 running in Apache/2.4 
And we never face such issue related to kerberos authentication since we used 
the keytab with following cipher algorithm in the encryption method.


Later, the DES crypto type is catagoried in weak crypto type and it's denied to 
use in Produciton for security reason. 

And we are asked to use the keytab using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 
Cryptography with either of types (AES128 or AES265) for following cipher 


But, unfortunately neither of the keytab encrypted with AES Crypto (AES128 or 
AES265) are working under Apache/2.4 and throws following error in HTTPD server 

gss_accept_sec_context() failed: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may 
provide more information (, No key table entry found for the SPN)

Please let us know if there is any solution to resolve for the issue.

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 12:55 PM Muhammad Hernawan 
<> wrote:

This problem occurs after 1-3 days of apache start. After restarting apache, 
the error / warning does not occur again, but after some time or several days, 
the error occurs again. Until now I did not know what the cause of the error 

Here is the error log, I got ssl:warn on my error log:

Invalid argument: AH02026: Failed to acquire SSL session cache lock
Invalid argument: AH02027: Failed to release SSL session cache lock
Invalid argument: AH01948: Failed to acquire OCSP ssl-stapling lock
Invalid argument: AH01949: Failed to release OCSP ssl-stapling lock
Invalid argument: AH01948: Failed to acquire OCSP ssl-stapling-refresh lock
Invalid argument: AH01948: Failed to acquire OCSP ssl-stapling lock
Invalid argument: AH01949: Failed to release OCSP ssl-stapling lock

I use Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu 18.04). I use http2 and ssl-stapling. 

Thanks & Regards, 
Sanjay Kumar Sahu


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