I think someone previously told you to undo:

        DirectoryIndex /install/rolls/index.cgi

But this is what would cause the root index.cgi to be used by the

On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 11:20 AM, Mahmood Naderan <nt_mahm...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>If your app uses *.cgi for CGIs, use AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
>>instead of SetHandler.
> Hi,
> I did that and now the error has been disappeared.
> I tried to define alias and wrote “AddHandler cgi-script .py” which seems to
> be incorrect. Many thanks for your help. Anyway…
> The cgi in the main folder (where index.cgi exists) runs fine however, in
> subsequent folders there seems to be some problems.
> I am trying to make a mirror of the ROCKS isos. So the original and working
> website is
> http://central-7-0-x86-64.rocksclusters.org/install/rolls/
> and mine is
> http://ce.scu.ac.ir/rocks/7.0/install/rolls/
> If you open the urls, you see the same layout which means cgi is OK.
> However, if you click on any of the folders, you will see different layouts.
> For example, just click on area51. Mine shows the traditional folder
> structure while the original url looks different.
> The ROCKS guys has no idea about that. I don’t know what is the issue to
> search for that. What do you think? Is that related to apache configuration?
> Regards,
> Mahmood

Eric Covener

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