
Chris Chia wrote:

Chris> Is there a way to hide the URL link when hover over the link
Chris> and also when browser is in the process of connecting to target site.

Gillis J. de Nijs replied:

Gillis> Displaying the URL when hovering over the link or loading
Gillis> the site is something your browser does, and not something
Gillis> Apache httpd has any control over.

Good point.  :-)

It is possible code all links to call JavaScript to submit forms.  Therefore, 
each link would require it's own form, and each link would in effect be a POST 
and not a GET.  Hovering the mouse over a link would not show the URL in the 
bubble or status bar.

Kurt Bremser also replied:

Kurt> a look at the source code on the browser (you cannot
Kurt> block that from the server) will reveal the URL anyway

Also a good point.  :-)

It might be possible to encode the URL's in the forms in some way to hide the 
values, but they could still be decoded by a determined person.

Cris Berneburg
CACI Lead Software Engineer

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