Hi Chuck,

2017-06-09 18:36 GMT+02:00 Day, Chuck <chuck....@medtronic.com>:

> While trying to set a conditional parameter for the OpenIDC apache module,
> it seems the directive is not being respected at run-time. For example:
> <If "'foo' == 'foo'">
>        Define locale1 fr-FR
> </If>
> <Else>
>        Define locale1 en-UK
> </Else>
> OIDCAuthRequestParams locale=${locale1}
> The value of locale is set to en-UK. Have tried string match(i.e.
> -strmatch) with same results.
> Anyone successfully using the if directive in Apache 2.4 for a similar
> use-case? Thank You.
not sure if you are still working on this issue but would it be possible
for you to turn logs to trace8 (
https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#loglevel) and verify what
gets written in the error log? Moreover it would be interesting if you
could check again with httpd 2.4.26.



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