Hi Yann/Eric. - We have ported the changes for CVE -2016-8743. into apache 2.2 on HP-UX But while testing we find that HTTPProtocolOption Unsafe tested with GET /HTTP 1.0/\n\n responds with BAD Request, when it is suppose to succeed.
However after making changes as mentioned in https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=60704, Unsafe option responds with a success. Is the below change valid for 2.2? in 2.2.32: static void *merge_core_server_configs(apr_pool_t *p, void *basev, void *virtv) { core_server_config *base = (core_server_config *)basev; core_server_config *virt = (core_server_config *)virtv; core_server_config *conf; conf = (core_server_config *)apr_pmemdup(p, base, sizeof(core_server_config)); in 2.4.25: static void *merge_core_server_configs(apr_pool_t *p, void *basev, void *virtv) { core_server_config *base = (core_server_config *)basev; core_server_config *virt = (core_server_config *)virtv; core_server_config *conf = (core_server_config *) apr_pmemdup(p, base, sizeof(core_server_config)); Please advise. Thanks Rashmi