Hi Daniel,

Thanks for trying to help but maybe I didn't explain this well enough.

Debian uses "Include" by default because of it's built-in `a2ensite`

Even with the Include (as your code illustrates) there needs to be a
Virtual Host configuration block for HTTP on port 80 and for HTTPS on port

Unless specifically configured differently, why not assume they are the
same (as HTTP/port 80 for a matching Virtual Host)?

I hope that helps clarify.

Adam Powell

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 6:05 AM, Daniel <dferra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is a directive called "Include"
> With this directive you can specify any number of directives in a file
> and then define the Include pointing to the same file wherever you may
> need.
> For instance
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> Include conf/common.conf
> </VirtualHost>
> <Virtualhost *:443>
> SSLEngine on
> SSLCertificatefile conf/x509.crt
> SSLCertitificateKeyFile conf/rsa.key
> Include conf/common.conf
> </Virtualhost>
> and common.conf can have:
> ServerName myserver.exam.com
> DocumentRoot /var/www
> DirectoryIndex index.html
> FallbackResource /index.html
> Redirect /one/ /two/
> Header set myheader "Hello"
> # and all directives you may need.
> 2017-05-20 2:53 GMT+02:00 Adam Powell <a...@adaminfinitum.com>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am a user of Apache in the sense that I install it, configure it and
> run
> > it to host sites...I'm hoping this is the correct list to send this to.
> >
> > Anyway, I recently did my first "from scratch" Apache install, build and
> > configuration in a cloud server (I had always used cPanel & WHM before).
> >
> > My suggestion is that Apache should "assume" that port 80 for HTTP and
> port
> > 443 for HTTPS and that they both serve the same content.
> >
> > I'm not suggesting people shouldn't be able to customize it, but adding
> > duplicate and redundant directives for each Virtual Host for HTTP and
> > seems unneeded.
> >
> > In short, I'm suggesting a "smart default" that in the absence of a
> specific
> > Virtual Host configuration for HTTPS, just assumes that the HTTPS matches
> > the HTTP config for that Virtual Host.
> >
> > Background: I got Apache (2.4.x) up and running on a Debian VM,
> configured
> > all my Virtual Hosts, installed an SLL certificate and went to view the
> > HTTPS version of a site.
> >
> > I was redirected to the 'default' page for the server (not the default
> page
> > for the Virtual Host).
> >
> > I then realized I needed additional, identical rules for that Virtual
> Host
> > for HTTPS on port 443...simply put, it seems like that extra level of
> > configuration shouldn't be required...that it should work that way
> > automagically unless specifically configured otherwise.
> >
> > If not, I'd love to know why that's a bad idea.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Adam Powell
> > http://www.adaminfinitum.com
> >
> --
> Daniel Ferradal
> IT Specialist
> email         dferradal at gmail.com
> linkedin     es.linkedin.com/in/danielferradal
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