On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 8:25 AM, Ishan Thakur
<ishanthaku...@yahoo.in.invalid> wrote:
> “We are setting the documentRoot as “web”(no complete absolute path). This
> works fine for all the paths.
> The paths can be direct drive(D:\). But it fails only for C drive(C:\). The
> same works fine for all other paths(D:\, C:\Program Files…etc)
> For C drive, we are getting following error:
> Syntax error on line 129 of C:/httpd.conf:
> DocumentRoot must be a directory
> “
> Is there any restriction for C drive on Windows for Apache httpd-2.2.31?

You'll have to provide some more detail. How does "web" work for
different drive letters?  Do you specify different server roots in
different configuration files?

There's nothing special about the C drive when you specify a DocumentRoot.

Eric Covener

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