You haven't given quite enough information for someone to help you.
Is there anything in the error log?
Can you post the relevant .htaccess files?

Absent that, the best we probably can do is point you to the 2.2->2.4
migration documentation:

- Y

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 5:39 AM, Lester Caine <> wrote:

> I'm trying to recover a wordpress website for a customer and get it
> working on one of my servers after his original hosting company decided
> to block the site. We have the content and a copy of wordpress
> application it was working with, and almost everything is now sorted
> with a new domain name, but the tinymce editor is proving difficult.
> There is a php script to load the tinymce js files, but it is located in
> an area where .htaccess limits access so I'm getting a 403 error and no
> editor on the page. I've sort of convinced myself that it's down to some
> difference between Apache 2.2 and 2.4 as the wordpress .htaccess file
> was very 2.2 like so I've fixed that ...
> Contemplating what to write is always helpful ... There was a .htaccess
> file in the wp-includes folder which still had a mix of 2.2 and 2.4
> format settings with a 2.2 setting for wp-tinymce.php ... but the
> tinymce language files were enabled in the root .htaccess :(
> Posting anyway for reference as all the google searches were giving
> solutions at a total tangent to the actual bug and I'd spent 2 hours
> trying to track the problem!
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
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