I think the nicest way would be like mod_ssl does with PeerExtList:

SSLRequire "foobar" in PeerExtList("")

So at least it's nice to know Apache Httpd already does this in some cases.

I guess I'll update my ticket, or maybe create a new one for all
the subjectAltName variables.

Thanks for the help.

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Marat Khalili <m...@rqc.ru> wrote:

> As additional benefit, when you will be able to issue certificates with
> regular expressions matching whole subnets! :)
> --
> With Best Regards,
> Marat Khalili
> On 19/12/16 20:41, Marat Khalili wrote:
>> Are you suggesting to put the IP address with the DNS prefix instead of
>>> the proper IP prefix?
>> Actually, I was not aware of official possibility of having an IP address
>> in subjectAltName until 5 minutes ago :) But since Apache developers also
>> didn't provide for this, using DNS prefix is definitely an option.
>> Also what about the possibility of having a variable number of addresses
>>> there?
>> Provided you are not going to have too many SANs, quick and dirty
>> solution would be:
>>> Require expr "%{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^(%{SSL_CLIENT_SAN_DNS_1}|%{S
>>> SAN_DNS_4}|...)$/"
>> (Missing variables will expand to empty strings). I hope  I know it's
>> ugly as hell, but so are client certificates with multiple IP address
>> aliases.
>> --
>> With Best Regards,
>> Marat Khalili
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