Hello ,
Thank you for that explanation. I have been able to generate CSR file
and key using OpenSSL as you mentioned.
Can anyone indicate what is the next step and also if possible how
does one test this configuration to ensure it is working.
I am trying to accomplish the following:
1. Use apache for certificate
2. Use tomcat to host website
Am i stating this correctly or do i just specify the location of the
certificates in tomcat's configuration ?
If so how do i test this configuration.
Thanks for your guidance
Robert Ramoutar.
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*From:* Marat Khalili <m...@rqc.ru>
*Sent:* Friday, November 4, 2016 1:37 AM
*To:* users@httpd.apache.org
*Subject:* Re: [users@httpd] Install and Configure Apache on Windows
Hello Robert,
There seems some misunderstanding here. Apache does not generate
certificates, nor there's "import" process - you just put files
wherever you want and specify their location in configuration.
Minimal Apache configuration of site with SSL is less than dozen
lines, nothing difficult.
Generating necessary certificate files is indeed more involved, but
it has nothing to do with Apache. Ask your CA for help, they should
have clear instructions on what to do (or use different CA). Usually
it means running some commands in OpenSSL. You can use any working
installation of OpenSSL, not necessarily on your Windows PC with Apache.
С уважением,
Марат Халили (Российский Квантовый Центр)
+7 926 950 0804
On November 3, 2016 10:06:47 PM GMT+03:00, Robert Ramoutar
<robert_ramou...@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Again,
Thanks for the reply,
I was able to download, install apache service and got IT WORKS
when entering localhost:80 in my browser.
I was reading the following page :
Apache SSL/TLS Encryption
But i'm still unable to configure.
Can you say how to import certificates into apache and how to
test the imported certificates to make sure they function.
1. I have to generate a CSR request and key,
2. Then after i get the files from the cert provider import
it into apache
Any ideas on how to complete the above two steps.
Thanks again for your help,
Robert Ramoutar.
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*From:* Alexandru Duzsardi <alexandru.duzsa...@pitechnologies.ro>
*Sent:* Thursday, November 3, 2016 10:49 AM
*To:* users@httpd.apache.org
*Subject:* RE: [users@httpd] Install and Configure Apache on
Windows Server
Hi ,
I think is a good starting point
Using Apache HTTP Server on Microsoft Windows - Apache ...
This document explains how to install, configure and run Apache
2.4 under Microsoft Windows. If you have questions after
reviewing the documentation (and any event ...
It’s pretty straight forward , download the installer from one of
those links
Install like any other software
Install the windows serverice for apache
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/platform/windows.html#winsvc ,
and set it to start automatically
Anything else is pretty much the same on any platform
<http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/> , just be careful with the PATH’s
Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4 Documentation
Copyright 2016 The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the
Apache License, Version 2.0. Modules | Directives | FAQ |
Glossary | Sitemap
*From:*Robert Ramoutar [mailto:robert_ramou...@hotmail.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, November 3, 2016 4:42 PM
*To:* users@httpd.apache.org
*Subject:* [users@httpd] Install and Configure Apache on Windows
Hello all,
I have been tasked with Installing and Configuring Apache 2.4 on
a windows server for the following purpose:
1. Configure SSL through apache
2. Apache Tomcat also installed on server to handle web request
to a specific web application - MySQL db also on the same server.
How does one go about installing and configuring SSL through
apache 2.4 on Windows Server 2012?
I have read so many documents and so many questions on forums etc
and is now more confused than before.
Can someone please outline the steps require and if possible how
to perform these steps for apache in Windows.
Robert Ramoutar.
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<mailto:users-h...@httpd.apache.org> <users-h...@httpd.apache.org
*Sent:* Thursday, November 3, 2016 10:35 AM
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