All, I'm at my wits end trying to simply run Apache 2.4 on my Amazon EC2 server. There are dozens of stackoverflow and websites, but the suggestions do not seem to work on my instance.
*Hardware* - Amazon EC2 Instance - t2.medium (2 VCPUs, 4GB RAM, 1GB Swap added) *Software* - Base Amazon Unix distro - Apache 2.4, PHP 5 (no mysql) via Amazon instructions: Shortly after installation, I'm finding the serve grinds to a halt. Apache eats 95% of total memory, to the point where I cannot run base unix commands like 'ls'. Looking for recommendations on: - which modules I can safely disable (those that few very users need) - *exact* values for maxConnectionsPerChild, maxRequestWorkers, etc. That leaves me with 1GB free for the operating system. My Wordpress website will not be serving more than 10k pageviews/month, and never more than 20 at any given moment. Any recommendations?? Thanks in advance! -- Tony DiLoreto President & CEO Migliore Technologies Inc 716.997.2396 *The best in the business...period!*