In Apache server 2.4, when activating the IndexOptions +FancyIndexing in the
httpd.conf, the directory listing shows the file size of a file like in the
following example:

exported_file.pdf 2.1M

The file size display is accumulated to Kilobytes (K) or Megabyte (M). The exact
file size is 2176555 bytes, but instead "2.1M" is shown.

Is there a way to configure Apache server to show the exact file size in bytes
in the directory listing?
I had a look into the Apache documentation of [mod_autoindex] but have not found
anything suitable.

Background: I want to mirror the directory with lftp, and lftp can not read the
given filesize correctly out of the index. So lftp has to make HEAD requests to
get the file size for each file. The additional HEAD requests would be not
necessary if the index returns the exact file size.

Thank you very much and kind regards

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