Hello EveryOne,

As new bee of Apache.  We have been using one of the old Apache TomCat on 
windows server 2008R2.  After we purchased and installed the SSL certificate.  
We need to apply a header directive in Apache "Strict-Transport-Security" so 
that our web site would be secured as the Government required.  My question is 
where can I insert this line?  In which and where's the files in Apache 5.5.23, 
TomCat  Is it in the same server.xml file as we modified the connector 
for SSL.
Look forward to hearing from your supports.


Mary Pham
Information Technology Specialist
National Institutes of Health Library
Division of Library Services
Office of Research Services
10 Center Drive, Room 1L07, MSC 1150
Bethesda, MD 20892-1150
T. 301.496.1506

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