Agree with Michael,
My start/stop scripts all now do a configtest before trying to
stop/start apache - this way I never have no service if something goes
I do have a forcestop which will stop an apache if the config is wrong -
as a last resort!
On 01/05/2016 14:27, Michael A. Peters wrote:
On 05/01/2016 06:19 AM, Florian Lindner wrote:
in my server configuration users can place their own SSL certificate in
predefined directories. A daily cron script detects them, updates the
config and restarts the server.
However, if there is a problem with the certificate or key file, the
refused to work altogether.
Is it possible to make apache disable only the problematic vhost
instead of
refusing to start?
What you probably need to do is validate the certificates before
updating the apache configuration file. The TLS library (e.g. openssl)
probably can do that, though I'm not familiar with the specific
argument you would need.
Apache also has a check that can test whether or not apache will
successfully start, that you can run before restarting the server.
apachectl configtest
I believe is the command.
I'm not sure it tests all the TLS certs but if it doesn't, it is a bug
in my mind.
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