Hello everyone, thanks to this mailing list I have identified and solved many problems in my builds regarding my current setup for a Moodle installation. - Removed unnecessary switches from Apache build - Placement of switches inside commands - new switches for selective runtime search path changing (even if I don't use them yet...) - found new (to me) tools for checking info about binaries and libraries - Facts about the order of checking in runtime linking paths (-R, crle, LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
So thanks for this so far, you've been very helpful. Yet two problems remain, which may or may be the same problem. - I have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to my own OpenSSL. Only then does PHPInfo tell me that the correct OpenSSL is in use. - Using the system OpenLDAP, I can't connect using LDAPS. Using my own OpenLDAP 2.4.44, I can use LDAPS on the prompt and I can process a php file containing commands to connect via LDAPS. I just can't request the same file via the browser (PHP then reports that it can't bind to the LDAP server. I also can't login via LDAP to Moodle, but get a an error that the secured connection can't be established. (I will send the exact error message if I recompile again to test). Checking in with ldd, all runtime search paths are set. I checked the paths for OpenSSL: openssl, libssl, libcrypto OpenLDAP: ldapsearch, libldap, liblber Apache: httpd, the apr and apr-util libraries, mod_ssl PHP: php, libphp5.so (in Apache) The only things that's looked strange are: - PHP uses Postgres libraries, which in turn depend on libssl and libcrypto. When I ldd, I have dependencies to both /my/own/openssl/install/lib and to /usr/lib (libssl and libcrypto). But I think that's okay....? - PHP uses libcurl, it finds it in /usr/local/lib . This in turn depends on libssl and libcrypto and when I ldd libcurl, it finds them in /usr/lib. Again, I don't know? How deep do I have to go here? My configure commands for each of the four tools: # OpenSSL OPENSSLDIR=/moodle/openssl/1.0.2g \ ; \ export CFLAGS="-I$OPENSSLDIR/include" \ CFLAG= \ CPPFLAGS= \ LDFLAGS= \ ; \ ./Configure shared --openssldir=$OPENSSLDIR enable-ssl2 solaris-x86-gcc \ -I$OPENSSLDIR/include -L$OPENSSLDIR/lib -R$OPENSSLDIR/lib \ >openssl-102g-configure.out # OpenLDAP OPENLDAPDIR=/moodle/openldap/2.4.44 \ OPENSSLDIR=/moodle/openssl/1.0.2g \ ; \ export CPPFLAGS="-I$OPENSSLDIR/include" \ CFLAGS= \ LDFLAGS="-L$OPENSSLDIR/lib -R$OPENSSLDIR/lib" \ ; \ ./configure --prefix=$OPENLDAPDIR --disable-slapd --with-cyrus-sasl --with-tls=openssl \ > openldap-2444-configure.out 2>&1 # Apache APACHEDIR=/moodle/apache2/2.4.18 \ OPENSSLDIR=/moodle/openssl/1.0.2g \ ; \ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$OPENSSLDIR/lib/pkgconfig \ CFLAGS= \ CPPFLAGS="-I$OPENSSLDIR/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L$OPENSSLDIR/lib -R$OPENSSLDIR/lib" \ ; \ ./configure --prefix=$APACHEDIR \ --enable-rewrite --enable-deflate \ --enable-ssl --with-ssl=$OPENSSLDIR \ --disable-version \ --with-included-apr \ --with-mpm=prefork \ >apache-2418-configure.out 2>&1 # PHP APACHEDIR=/moodle/apache2/2.4.18 \ POSTGRESDIR= /usr/postgres/9.3-pgdg \ PHPDIR=/moodle/php/5.6.20 \ OPENSSLDIR=/moodle/openssl/1.0.2g \ ; \ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$OPENSSLDIR/lib/pkgconfig \ CFLAGS="-std=gnu99" \ CPPFLAGS="-I$OPENLDAPDIR/include -I$OPENSSLDIR/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L$OPENLDAPDIR/lib -L$OPENSSLDIR/lib -R$OPENLDAPDIR/lib -R$OPENSSLDIR/lib" \ ; \ ./configure --prefix=$PHPDIR --with-config-file-path=$PHPDIR \ --enable-mbstring --enable-soap --enable-zip --enable-opcache \ --without-sqlite3 --without-pdo-sqlite \ --with-pgsql=$POSTGRESDIR --with-pdo-pgsql=$POSTGRESDIR \ --with-apxs2=$APACHEDIR/bin/apxs \ --with-gd --with-curl --with-xmlrpc --with-zlib --with-mcrypt \ --with-ldap=$OPENLDAPDIR \ --with-openssl=$OPENSSLDIR --with-jpeg-dir=$PHPDIR/jpeg \ --with-iconv=/usr/local \ >php-5620-configure.out 2>&1 I also have output for the different stages of the build if that would help. Regards, Daniel Poggenpohl Dipl.-Inf. Daniel Poggenpohl FernUniversität in Hagen Zentrum für Medien und IT (ZMI) Universitätsstraße 21 58084 Hagen AVZ, Raum A107 Tel.: +49 (2331) 987-2801 Fax: +49 (2331) 987-2720 --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@httpd.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@httpd.apache.org