mod_deflate still running on the backend server (I thought I had
disabled it) and a missing AddOutputFilterByType were responsible.
Problem solved.

Am 09.03.2016 um 18:10 schrieb Sven Seeberg:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm having a problem with mod_substitute or mod_sed while using one
> apache2 (Ubuntu 14.04) as a proxy and load balancer.
> The connection between proxy and backend is not encrypted, therefore the
> backend delivers only non-https links with the backend FQDN. Those have
> to be replaced by the corresponding proxy FQDN.
> On the documentation page
> ( is an example
> for this specific use case. However it does not work for me and I cannot
> find the reason. mod_deflate is not enabled.
> For testing purposes I created an index.html with the content "asdf" in
> the DocumentRoot. The content is also not replaced. Can anyone give me a
> hint on how to further debug this problem? Could this problem be
> specific for the Ubuntu package / dependent on a compiling parameter?
> ### site config ###
> <Virtualhost *:443>
>         ServerName www.somedomain.tld
>         DocumentRoot /var/www/redirect
>         SSLEngine On
>         SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/somedomain.tld/cert.pem
>         SSLCertificateChainFile
> /etc/letsencrypt/live/somedomain.tld/chain.pem
>         SSLCertificateKeyFile
> /etc/letsencrypt/live/somedomain.tld/privkey.pem
>         ProxyPass /wordpress_test/
> http://backend.somedomain.tld/wordpress_test/
>         ProxyPassReverse /wordpress_test/
> http://backend.somedomain.tld/wordpress_test/
>         <Location />
>                 Substitute
> "s|http://backend.somedomain.tld/|https://www.somedomain.tld/|i"
>                 Substitute "s|asdf|jkl|i"
>                 Substitute
> "s|http://backend.somedomain.tld/|https://www.somedomain.tld/|"
>         </Location>
> </VirtualHost>
> ### end site config ###
> Cheers
> Sven

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