Am 10.03.2016 um 00:40 schrieb lejeczek:
> On 09/03/16 23:29, Sven Seeberg wrote:
>> Ah sorry, I think I missunderstood your question.
> possibly
>> mod_rewrite only changes the "appearance" of the URL for the Browser /
>> user. This PHP programm still sees the original URL.
>> Your problem does not seem related to Apache but to the file paths on
>> your server. Maybe you could work around it with symlinks?
> what I thought, what I hoped would be possible is for apache to do
> some real-time, in-flight url mangling so the app (silly code which
> seems fine only under root /), while being served from under - /phpapp
> - would think it's all good and is under /

You could possibly achieve the desired behaviour with mod_header. But
maybe something like the following line would be an easier solution:

$ ln -s /path/phpapp /path

>> Am 10.03.2016 um 00:17 schrieb lejeczek:
>>> On 09/03/16 22:12, Sven Seeberg wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> you can either just move the DocumentRoot to a directory which
>>>> contains
>>>> the folder phpapp with all the PHP files in it.
>>>> Or create an .htaccess file / edit your VirtualHost and add the
>>>> following line:
>>>> RewriteRule ^phpapp/(.*)$ $1
>>> nope, having looked at some error logs I see (with above rewrite) app
>>> still somewhere uses /phpapp subdir.
>>> Warning: include(path/phpapp/index-full.php): failed to open stream:
>>> No such file or directory in /var/www/devs/phpapp/templates/full.php
>>> on line 3
>>> thanks for suggested search query.
>>>> (
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Am 09.03.2016 um 23:05 schrieb lejeczek:
>>>>> hi everybody
>>>>> ough... this might sound silly what I'm hoping to achieve, well..
>>>>> I have a php app that I don't know the code of but the app seems to
>>>>> only work under top url, eg: but it has to be served
>>>>> from
>>>>> I fiddling with rewrites but not being an expert I thought I'd ask if
>>>>> it's even possible?
>>>>> many thanks
>>>>> L.
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