Hello We are trying to create a RewriteRule that will allow us to drop a component of the actual URL, and still reference the content deeper in the directory structure for any number of subdirectories to that dropped component of the URL.
For example let's say the content for each account is in .... /home/user1/assets/images /home/user1/assets/images/houses /home/user1/assets/images/cars /home/user1/assets/someotherdirectory/ /home/user2/assets/images /home/user2/assets/images/pets /home/user2/assets/anotherdirectory /home/user2/assets/anotherdirectory/yetanotherdirectory Etc. We want web developers to be able to reference that content WITHOUT the "assets" component in the URL As in ... http://abc.com/user1/images/houses/1.jpg http://abc.com/user2/anotherdirectory/yetanotherdirectory/test.js Etc. We seem to be able to do this if we explicitly name the directories involved ... The image is in /home/user1/assets/image but we want to reference it with /user1/image. It worked with this: ... RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^user1/image(/.*|)$ /home/user1/assets/image/$1 [L]... ... But we need to make that more generic, there may be large number of user areas with various subdirectories with content. We would like to be able to have one rule, or set of rules that we can apply to each user area without any edits needed by them. We tried this .... We want it to work regardless of what's after the /assets", it won't always be "/images", it might be /js, /css or whatever... We tried the following, unsuccessfully: ... RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^user1/([a-z0-9]+)/(.*|)$ /home/user1/assets/$1/$2 [L] ... We tried to match image/someotherdirectory/anotherdirectory directories using ([a-z0-9]+) and set it to $1. This rewrite rule passed an htaccess tester we found online but failed on real apache. I realize that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Thanks