So using php-fpm negates any need to use suexec, correct?

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> On Aug 11, 2015, at 12:31 PM, Rich Bowen <> wrote:
>> On 08/11/2015 11:22 AM, Rose, John B wrote:
>> Any recommendations on the best method to accomplish individual users
>> Wordpress installations maintaining their owner:group instead of
>> changing to the owner:group of the Apache process?
>> Not a Wordpress multi-user installation. Each user installs their own
>> Wordpress.
>> Looking at the Wordpress site …
>> Any pros/cons regarding these Apache modules?
>>  * suPHP <>, runs through php-cgi,
>>    currently unmaintained since 2013.
>>  * mod_ruid2 <>, apache module,
>>    simple but effective.
>>  * mpm-itk <>, apache module.
> These first three are all essentially unmaintained.
>>  * PHP-FPM <>, a FastCGI server with more extensive
>>    configuration.
> This is the one.
> I know that the PHP docs don't yet say that this is the preferred way to run 
> PHP on Apache httpd - that has been on my ToDo list for quite a while now - 
> but it *is* the preferred way to run PHP on Apache httpd, for all of the 
> reasons - security, performance, ease of configuration, and so on.
> So, yeah, we need the docs to catch up with reality. I promise, it's on my 
> ToDo list.
> -- 
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon
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